what a day.
it meant to be a nice day.
but ohwell.
heaven isnt on my side lah.
first, i was rushing for morning assembly
due to the DUMD greentea.
and it was like damn freaking squeezy?
then i saw nicholas in front.
since we are in the same class,
i followed where he walked and where he squeezed.
then, there is a small gap.
dont feeling like sueezing in but since
nicholas could do it,
i can do it what!
but, hell NO.
all thanks to my tote bag.
damn embarrassing can.
i knocked into the guy.
i was to ashame to raise my head,
i just say sorry without looking at him.
and SHEILA YAP is LAUGHING AT ME like mad.
she is evil.
then, something happened in class.
thats really terrible lah.
we didnt know thngs would turn out this way.
well, partly we are to be blame.
but not TOTALLY.
and i was damn awkward as i am sitting right beside her.
she was damn pissed can.
it meant to be a joke what.
we all find it rather funny
and we are all laughing our asses off.
it is just a harmless joke.
we havent talk since.
but nvm.
xiuying ate roger's chocolate.
she was like " ask him dont beat me leh, other people alsogot eat leh".
the hersheys is meant for banana actually,
but since xiuying is hungry
or should i say famished?
i gave it to her instead.
thats pratically my day.
how great. *roll eyes*
bye all.
i dotn know why but when you talked to me,troubles seem to go away :D