Knowing at Amk Hub with hongwei& Jiahao.
i like this movie too but i still prefer
anyway, Knowing is nice too :D

i sold my 6500 for $140 and i bought it at $150.
i think i rented the phone from him for a few weeks instead of buying.
Thursdaymeet weiling, liting, lizhong, clement, wanghe and minghui to get our lecture notes.
and guess what?
we only have to buy one book this semester? wtf.
means.. we have to photocopy a lot of stuffs when the school start!
went amk hub with liting, clement, minghui, weiling, hongwei &jiahao.
only the 4 of us went to watch
liting introduced this movie to us.. AND IT'S REALLY NICE LA...
and i think I'm a little sick.. everyone was feeling disgusted when the guy was being tortured..
but i was laughing like some Ediots.
i don't know why, i find it funny?
watch this movie man! :D
Friday @iluma.went out with sean, clement,minghui, weiling, lizhong, liting& wanghe.
(names are arrange according to punctuality & I'm the third to reach. wtf?)
I'm super fascinated by this machine.
we went to watch this movie,
Revolutionary road.i almost fell asleep during this movie.
I'm practically texting only during the whole movie.
seriously, i don't think this movie have any climax at all.

went golden chopsticks to have steamboat.
i still prefer the shop beside top one.
went orchid club @yishun for bowling.
okay.. getting 111 was a fluke.
no more luck in the second game.. haha!
and my score is pathetic.
don't even worth mentioning. (sound so familiar)
uncle allow the 5 of us to squeeze in one cab.
damn cool la. haha!
Todayi need to remember that i'm meeting Kayve later..