I'm back from Munich!
i saw snow for the very first time!
super excited then!

i almost died walking up the slopes. but the castle was beautiful!

not this castle thou.

awesome pork knuckles. shiok!

i miss shopping in states.
first time to states too! (:

i miss Hongkong Fishballs

i wanna go Ocean park again!!!!!!

It's 2011 now.
2010 was the best year ever.
i did so many things for the very first time.
touching the pyramids in Egypt
wearing contact lens for the very first time
got a distinction for my final year project
graduated from NYP
played in the snow
got a full time job
save money for the very first time
went to lots of awesome places
and my list goes on... and on.
2011 better be a good year for me too! heh