pretty little flowers.
i look super fair here. hee

Art Museum in Copenhagen.
i don't understand 99.9% of them but still the art pieces there were pretty awesome.
grey walls look pretty nice.
need to think of a color to paint my room.
no pink/blue. was thinking of lavender.

a few months ago i looked like this.
and now.. i look so old.
I'm aging. like how?!
i need anti aging products. sigh
still trying to be fair.

very long ago photo. when i was hibernating in Zurich for 2 days.
hate hibernation cause I'll be sleeping and eating non stop.
need to go out.

current favorite, i just need to buy hello kitty stuffs.

I just ate a box of strawberries and also a burger with fresh lettuces and onion inside when i was in Europe.
i totally forgot about the E-coli bacteria!
i hope nothing happens to me! haha
I still can't stop drinking koi.
i think i'll die young man.
need to stopppppp.
Rain rain go away. please stop raining.
i wanna go out later.