todae our schh homecomingg
nice nice fun fun
but now plss
anything do with apple n bananas
pls get out of my sight
after spent a few hrs with
this fruit kinda have
a feeling to them liao
i had been like cutting the FRUITS
fer a mere 2-3 hours
and i m like avoiding themm
had a funn time
but pris n mei
bullied alfredd
pity himm larr
kindda of la
he is so cutee
cherry cuter larr of cos
played water diaoss-
ppl bullied mi
yuan n jun hao n kai
sad caseee
but i bullied them back too larr
but makingg them my maidd
saw shengg daa
forccee mi to calll him korr
wennt to kovan bb court
bio him playy with hui
on the wayy we damm bo liao
make a few video clips n pics
one of them- our own Marilyn Monroe
cute ritte hahahahas
windd blown n minnie cover her frontt
mickeyy is lao ti go larr.
saw the match
but we are bioing tar bo
den PL black no.7
so cutee hahahaas
. . . . . .
he wore banana t shirtt
tat stupid roger
i am like scare of bananas liao lorr
we are like making funn off himm larr.
went home
begged shi hui to take 112
den change 74.
she give up
n agreed larr
crapping in buss.
walking to my home
on the way saw xkk
like going bia jue
reached home. tata
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