Saturday, August 27, 2005


it is 1plus going two now=))
and i cant slepp.
sleep too much just now.

okies. i shall blog abt yest.
went to meet aiping at kovan.
she was alone.
me and ellice went there to find her.
asked her to join us
but she dun wan
cos her fren are coming.

went to TM
watch the maid with ellice.
paid 9.50 to scare myself.
the cinema was practically empty.
and i sat at the last row with three red
chair behind me.
how great.
i was like the only one screaming there.
screaming from he begininng to the end.
okies. the stupid show keep like scaring us can.
okies maybe is ME only.
i was grabbing her so damm tight.

ai ping must be so happy
she didnt go with us.
or else her hands will hand blue black.
i am sorry larr ellice.

went to arcade becos
i want tat soft toy.
i cant catch it.
the soft toy is too big larrr.
wasted my money.
tried so many times.
still cant. i want the toy.
hahahahas. marie cat.
is not tat i like marie
it is becos it is too cute
to not try catching it.

walk around.
TM was like having SALES.
so damm squeezy can.
went off around 9 plus.
cos is like so damm full with ppl
is like everyone snatching for oxygen
okies. not tat much ppl la

my eye lid is
begging me to close now.
okies. good nites.
and sweet dreams everyone.

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