thanks to my bro huhs
fer spoiling it.
stayed at hoe all day.
bored bored bored.
well this is the only
word tat describe me best.
went to gym yest with pris.
shock eh?
this lazy pig will exercise?
i finally know the pain of reducing weight.
i spent 1hr plus 2 and i just burn off
400 calories?
tat is so goshs.
imagine how much stuffs i ate in an hour.
far more than tat pathetic 400.
i must maintain my weight huh.
by not having suppers anymore.
erms. tat is really hardd
just have my supper already.=s
i dunno wad course to choose.
nursing? nah. i might become a murder
and kill at least one ppl daily.
tourism? i dun even noe
where the hell is singapore attraction?
zoo? bird park.
i might even tell tourists wrongly abt
maybe when jap surrender
by the way, when is it?
*smack forehead*
i cant remb.
learn in during sec one.
way too long to remb it!
if u can remb ur sec one history.
u are a genius man.
congrats to those who know wad
is the names of the 2 bombs
landed in jap by the ang mo?
by the wayy the ans is
little boy and fat man
i thnk=s
okays tats all folk.
fer those who missed me.
ending with a beautiful fireworks=))
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