but i was kinda of disappointed.
human corpse is not even close to disgusting nor
scary! compared to like sawIII? lol
[i know, different case. one got blood mah.]
but! i wanna go again leh.
hee :D
and stop it. i'm so not weird k.
i think there is about 3 corpses in nyp.
but all kana divide into like dont even know where is
its hand. haha.
i was actually looking forward to see a WHOLE corpse.
not in pieces lo. ):
details of it:
oh man, you can see the whole head there with his eyes open ,
okay half opened.(:
their intenstines,joints, heart, legs and hands...... etc
and even his..... pxnxs. LOL
got two with hair somemore. [said by ber]:x
guess, being a corpse in nyp is quite sad lah.
have to stay in a tank of yellow solution 24/7.
yes, TANK.
open the lid, and you will see a corpse in a pool of water.
sorry, no photos of corpse.
i wouldnt want to take a photo of it even we were allow to.
its like so disrepectful to the dead (:
ohya did i said i score a mfucking 96 marks for anatomy?
cool?! haha!!
praise me pls. thank you. :b
sorry, i got myself a new bf again.

look at alvin's face! LOL, ahhh.. copycat.
i took this pose last week ;d

ah, i saw frontal, parietals and occipital bone.[skull]
weiling is holding em' lol.

oh, sorry about that.i was busy sweet talkinh with him
and i didnt even notice you snap me. :x LOL

clement is giving us lesson on how to brush
our teeth. LAUGH MADLY AT HIM.

facial bones.
okay done.
why dont we play a game?!
close your eyes
and count to 3....
while you scroll down slowly wth your eyes closed.
okay... do it now... (:
clement scared me by putting it beside me,
and then call my name,
i turned my head and freak out!
horrible friend. tsk.
then i used the same method to scare weiling,
then i asked her to scare belinda. LOL
then belinda used t to scare sally and shye fern.
then finally to alvin.
hell freaking funny!!!!
all kana scare by the same method.
K. i am only half the mastermind,
CLEMENT started it k.
go, blame him instead. (:
Auf wiedersehen.
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