keep pronounce it as 知知知名.
so sorry,i know my chinese no up down key.
went town with weiling, minghui& wanghe.
i swaer lost control manxz.
i bought 2tees from flesh imp, 1 tee from mango, 1belt, 2 necklace from f21,
1 chain from perlini sliver, a pair of slippers from esprite and one tube.
kay. i totally lose control. AHHHH.
i wore my jumper suit out today.
(yeo, i wore it kay. dont say i buy liao lang fei!)
and i totally look like a kid that skip school to shop.
anyway, my dad is damn 幼稚(?)
my mum just taught how to use 幼稚 to form zhao ju.
cos' i said to her, walau! my dressing damn 幼稚 today!
and she ask me dont anyhow use 幼稚.
幼稚 is a type dont know what to decribe what personality? not use to describe dressing?!
anyway back to the point,
damn childish right?
cos' i was snacking from morning *ahem*
error, should be afternoon(cos' i dont wake up in the morning) to 5am daily.
kay, i spent 50bucks on foods. shhhhh..
dont tell my mum and dad.
and wrote rubbishsssss on my titbits!!!!
every single one of them.
even my maggie mee also write.
he was like dont eat liao, will fat leh.
i was like alr fat le lah.
*continue eating like a pig*
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