no life is my life yo.
other then i'm being molested by liting.
well nothing much happened.
haha, my blog is getting more and more random + boring.
i don't know why,
but i keep making stupid mistakes recently.
1) i keep alight at wrong stop, FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS.
2)i brushed my teeth twice in the morning cos' i thought i did not brush it.
3)i typed wrong names for my group members and I EVEN MISS OUT KHAIRI's NAME.
belinda soh, i wrote as berlinda soh. kwok ka po i wrote as kwok kapo.
4)keep missing out ; .... in my matlab(bioimaging), i even spelled gray as gay. -_-"
(will upload the evidence when free)
syndromes of menopause or senile?
i found out that i did not do/i dont know a lot of things in my life.
1) i dont know how to play pool, and i played only once in my whole entire life.
2)i haven't get into a fight before.
3)i have problems with alphabets. eg, you say p, i dont know what is after.
i needa hum the whole song from th beginning.
4)i cant cycle.
5)i cant bowl in the proper way.
6)i got no hobbies/goals/aim in life.
(seriously, i FREAKING HATE those forms teacher give you and ask you about your personal stuffs. like, what is your ambition, goals, hobbies. i'll usually write taitai as ambition, goals? nah. hobbies? nothing.) see get what i mean?
7)i wanna go paris.
8)i cant cook a proper meal/ cant cook rice.
my list go on and on.... but i still hate pool.
i really dk how to play pool lar ):
taken today. main focus, my bag AHAHAH.
its super huge lar! i thought it is fake lor.
Auf wiedersehen,
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