puwent to Kayve's house for wii training.
intensive training okay, watch out Li Ting.
kayve cooked lunch today.
i don't know she can cook so well man!
i'm such a failure.tsk tsk.
2 dishes plus soup okay.
give her 4 stars ****!
cos her rice..... minus one star*!

but she claimed that it is because i'm late..

unglam photo of Kayve. HAHA.

she did the cooking plus washing.
all i did was eat. :x
i kinda of excel in wii bowling!
my baseball sucks to the corexzxz.
some random photos:
in biomedical project 1 lesson.

when we get too obsess with apple photo booth.

trying to make ugly photos

LOL!!! taken by starlene cos she was laughing madly at how we pose for the camera.
candid by lizhong. weiling and i.

jean and i

i drew and colour this! nice bo?
primary 1 only, dont have to make it too nice. :x

gonna give it to my tutee.

my birthday card from her. :D
her mum bought me a top. thanks dear.
thank you everyone for everything.
this 19th birthday is definitely one of my favourite and best birthday.
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