Sunday, November 02, 2008

I'll get very frustrated whenever it rains.
weird, no?

I'll probably scold any strangers who came to talk to me, be it asking for directions or whatever shit. And there is always some fucking Ediots out there who wanna provoke me.
please fuck off and die.

i'm feeling so much better after mummy called and ask me to cab home now.
i love calls from mummy/daddy to ask me go home early... etc...
but the calls get lesser and lesser when i got older.

money wasted on taxi again.
cabbed to tuition and cabbed home. ):
grr... needa stop taking anymore cabs.
(i'm saving what)

i'm officially broke.
cos' i'm saving now.... okay, i'm only broke for today, tomorrow and the day after.
cos I'll have my allowance and tuition fees on wed.
but, i'm most probably saving those up too.

WHAHAHAH. i'm so not used to be so thirfty.
tsk tsk.

I need a haircut.
i'm dying for fringe thou they look freaking retarded on me.

Auf Wiederesehen.

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