Thursday, August 27, 2009


I went Singapore Philatelic museum with my tuition kid last Saturday. Yes, it’s the stamp museum, as seen by the name of it. Seriously, I don’t even know this museum exist until my tuition kid told me that day. I was like, “WHAT?! Stamp museum? Don’t tell me the museum is only about stamps okay”. (Okay, I know. DUMB. Of course it’s ONLY about stamps.)

No, wait. There’s a collection of Post boxes too. wtf.

(I know, the photos aren’t that clear. Or should I say, photos with me in it aren’t clear?) lol

she was playing with my phone.

the stamp that talk non-stop.


from Santa Claus?!

me and my lousy skill.

my favourite letterbox! look damn sweet, no?



Mini toy car exhibition

We took this $6 photo. Seriously, I feel that I was cheated by that machine man. It’s not even sticker okay. Take a look at the size of our face and the design. The design is like ¾ of that photo! I rather spend 4 dollars more to take a proper Neoprint.

Okay, I feel like going to The Battle Box now. It’s about the WWII sites in Singapore. WWII, is it the Japanese occupation part?

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