Saturday, December 20, 2008


okay, i went to watch Twilight that day with my girls.

i think the movie is such a disappointment.
yea, the movie is good .... (to some people)
but i still prefer the novel. it's way better. ha ha.
Go get the book!

we found a dead frog in the bookshop that day.
damn freaking disgusting.

they went to make a grave for it.
damn bo liao la.

*warning* photo is damn bloody disgusting (to me at least)
i can stand any gruesome photos.. but not photos of worms, snails and frogs.

some bo liao stuffs we do.
and i think i'm too old for this.

my hands

i drew this. HAAHAHHA!
tattoo that changes with the season.
cool eh?

gnna start my book, Tuesdays with Morrie now.
i finally ordered Veronika decides to die with the Bookshop Auntie.
Auf Wiederesehen.

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