Sunday, December 30, 2007

how to be a gentlemen?
written by Prof. lee jingyi.

1) always open the door for the ladies.
(if you don't know this, can you see the window? jump out and try to fly.)

2) applies to double deck bus, escalator, stairs or whatever.
always let the girl to climb up the stairs first.
but if your are getting down, please for god sake,
guys should get down first followed by the girl.
why?(use your pea brain to think. -_-" you should know why.)

3) always carry the trays/shopping bag for girls.
and don't be mean, girls. don't fucking ask your bf to carry your cute little fucking handbags.
lol. they look stupid with it.

4) i know guys tend to eat faster then the girl.
finished your food? its your problem, be patient lah. wait and don't stare at us.

5) let the girls board the bus/ mrt/ taxi/ cars/ whatever shit first can?
this is common senses. wth.

6) its not very nice to use vulgarities in front of the girl.
do it behind her back.

7) don't ogle at other girls when we are talking to you.
when you are with your friends. you wanna ogle, watch porn or whatever shit
we dont care.

8) if the girl is wearing skirt and heels with straps.
and the straps came off,
please bend down and tie/put on for her.
please lah, she confirm will zhao gen if she do it herself.
(i know you guys wish she will zhao gen right? but please control leh.)

9) try to pee faster can anot? dont make the girl wait outside the toilet.
guys should be the one waiting.
(dont understand why some guys take so long, unzip pee and zip back nia what
and you guys dont even wash your hands, so why so long?)

okay, stop.
i cant think of any ideas anymore. lol


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